Playing Dress Up
Looking back on my childhood, I distinctly remember sneaking into my mother’s closet and falling in love with a pair of her shoes. They were the quintessential 1980’s red pump. They weren’t exceptionally high. The toe the perfect combination of round and point. They were bright and bold; grown-up and classically chic. And they were hers. They were everything in my five-year-old eyes. Just like she was.
Becoming A Mom of Two
Friday marks six weeks with our newest addition and I can’t believe its gone by so fast.
I learned rather quickly with MM that what they say is true: The days are long, but the years are short. Cliché, yes. But clichés exist for a reason. And in this part of our journey, where so much has changed, that remains the very same.
It has taken me some time to sit down and write this piece about our transition from a family of three to a family of four, because the transition has taken us- has taken me- some time. More than I had thought it would; more than I would like to admit.
A 36 Week Bumpdate + My Latest Go-To Accessory
Happy Friday! We’re 36 weeks today, and now we’re really almost there. We’re four weeks away and in the home stretch to meet our girl. Compared to my first pregnancy, this one has been quite a breeze. And I’m so grateful that I’ve had the energy and time and physical ability to document it here, in this space. I was hesitant at first, to get in front of the camera, to share this personal journey. But now, looking back, I’m so happy I’ll have this little diary of this phase of life for years to come.
How I've Managed My Anxiety This Pregnancy
When I sat down to write this post, I headed to my Musings tab to see what I’ve already said about my previous experience with pregnancy and postpartum anxiety. And I was shocked to find- very little. Aside from a few mentions in my 30 Week Bumbdate {here} and a few posts on Instagram, I haven’t really delved into the anxiety that riddled my first pregnancy and reared its head after Maddie was born.
So here it is:
How I Fell In Love With Blogging {Again}
About a month ago I had an epiphany.
After quite some time of agonizing over Instagram- obsessing over engagement and growth and comparing myself to my peers- I decided to redirect my focus back to my blog, where it all began.
My Tattoo Diary
Roughly ten years ago, at the ripe ole age of 25, I got my first tattoo.
It hadn’t been a long time coming; I never really imagined myself getting a tattoo, I never begged my parents for one growing up. But one day, I woke up and really wanted one. Needed one, actually. So I headed to the local parlor in downtown Santa Barbara and scratched my tattoo itch.
30 Weeks
30 weeks. It’s insane how quickly time has flown by this time around.
Two seasons have passed since we got our news, and we already a week into summer with this bump of mine. Only a few short months before our due date, and we are ready for it over here! As we enter the final ten week stretch of pregnancy, here are a few updates on baby number two:
Four years ago today, at 3:06 am, we met your for the very first time.
Maybe met is the wrong word. Because we knew you well before then.
For so long before that day, we knew you were ours. You filled our dreams with hope for a family; one that had to include you- your spirit, your heart, your love of life and happiness and us.
Infertility: my journey + ttc advice
My journey with infertility began in January of 2014.
Phil and I got married in October of 2013; but knowing my history with PCOS, I decided to stop taking the BCP the summer before we tied the knot. I had known for most of my adult life that it would take some time and help to start a family, so I figured I would roll the dice and see what happened.
20 Weeks
Twenty weeks and we’re half way there!
It feels like it was just last week that we found out the unbelievable news; it’s going by so quickly this time, and yet there’s still so far to go. I forgot you’re basically pregnant for a year.
I didn’t have Lilies and Lambs when I was pregnant with MM, and as a result I didn’t document really any part of those nine months- in pictures or words. So there’s little in terms of physical memories of that part of our journey.
On IVF: Advice One and Onlys And gratitude
This past week was a great one.
Maddie was happy and healthy and back to school. We returned home from a family trip, and I’m currently packing our little family up for another one. I shared some thoughts on why I started this blog: both here and on my Instagram.
And I was touched by how many messages I received- that so many of you are going through the same journey; that most of you didn’t realize this was our story.
To My Husband on Year Five
Dear Husband on Year Five:
We made it. To the first numerical milestone.
Five years ago we said I do. We met only a little over a year before that. And I fell hard for you- for the friend you were; for the man you are; for the father I always knew you would become.
Seven Little Words
Yesterday this little girl told me seven sweet words that made my day.
No. My week.
Right when I needed it.
It’s not that I was having a bad day, per se; but I had been solo parenting on a Sunday, which is a very rare occurrence for me.
A few good wins
Today I woke up at 5.
I hit the snooze once, but I on that second alarm I jumped right out of bed; and made it to that 5:45 am workout. The one I so often miss.
I came home and showered and washed and dried my hair. And I picked out a cute outfit.
Then MM and I headed to NYC.